Thursday, August 23, 2007

Benson v. Kwikset Corp. (Cal. Ct. App. - July 26, 2007)

I guess it's the doldrums of August. Vacations. The heat. Whatever. But there hasn't been an overwhelming plethora of opinions this month that have been especially interesting. At least comparatively.

Oh well. I'm sure it'll get better. Hopefully they'll be some vicious, no-holds-barred dissents upcoming soon. That'll get the blood flowing.

Meanwhile, take a look at this one. In which Justice Bedsworth amends his opinion to say: "On the court’s own motion, the majority opinion is modified as follows: . . . . On page 22, in the first full paragraph, starting with 'The trial court awarded plaintiff nearly $3 million . . .,' on lines 4 and 5, delete the sentence 'We agree with our dissenting colleague’s assertion that the award appears to be unnecessarily high.'"

So much for being concilliatory, I guess!