Wednesday, December 27, 2023

U.S. v. Galecki (9th Cir. - Dec. 26, 2023)

You've probably read about "spice" in news reports, or (perhaps) seen it in head shops. (Have I just dated myself by saying "head" shops instead of "smoke" shops? Probably.) At some level, I knew that the stuff was illegal, and that the fake "Not for Human Consumption" labels don't really work to immunize the manufacturers from legal liability. Yeah, you can say it's just "potpourri" for "making the house smell nice," but you sell it in smoke shops, not Target. Oh, yeah, and it's like a hundred times more expensive than actually potpourri. Everyone knows full well that people exclusively buy it to smoke it and get high.

So, yeah, I knew all that, and at some level, I knew that the manufacturers of the stuff might perhaps face some criminal liability at some point.

But I definitely didn't know that getting convicted earns you twenty years in federal prison.

All that money you made selling the stuff not really worth it at that point, eh? (Not to mention the moral cost.)