Tuesday, August 20, 2013

People v. Nguyen (Cal. Ct. App. - Aug. 20, 2013)

Read this opinion.  It involves a hearing to determine whether Vinh Nguyen was a Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) who should continue to be locked up.  The petition was filed in 2005.  There were 37 hearings.  The vast majority of which seem to be requests to continue.

The hearing itself was in 2009.  Nguyen was present for exactly one of the 37 hearings, including but not limited to the trial (for which he was absent).  Indeed, Nguyen was present at the one hearing by accident; the hospital apparently inadvertently sent him there.  At that hearing, Nguyen requested to be present in the future.  Didn't happen.

Notice, by the way, that the appeal is decided in 2013.  Eight years after the petition to keep Nguyen in the hospital was filed.  The Court of Appeal affirms the decision to keep him in, notwithstanding his presence.

Thirty seven hearings.  Present at none.  Eight years.

Does anyone else get a keen sense that no one really cares about this guy?  Or is at all interested in trying to make anything actually happen on anything near a timely basis?

P.S. - I'm not saying that Nguyen is a saint.  At all.  Or that he should necessarily be released.  But it'd be nice to actually give the guy his day in court, no?