Friday, October 06, 2023

Historic Architecture Alliance v. City of Laguna Beach (Cal. Ct. App. - Oct. 6, 2023)

Would I love the ability to live in a century-old home in Laguna Beach that is, by all accounts, absolutely gorgeous? Yes. Yes I would. 

Would I enjoy having to go through all the many steps required to remodel that house -- including getting City approval, dealing with a CEQA appeal, etc.? No. I would not.

Nonetheless, is it worth it? Especially when, as here, the homeowner wins, and gets to remodel the place?


P.S. - The opinion doesn't contain the address of the relevant property, but it's in the brief, and here's the home. Amazing. (Oh, and worth over $4.4 million. Even before the remodel and additional 1,000 square feet of living space now authorized by the Court of Appeal. It's nice to be rich, eh?)