Friday, February 21, 2025

Schraeder Cellar LLC v. Roach (9th Cir. - Feb. 21, 2025)

It is most assuredly not a man-bites-dog story to discover that when an attorney feels that his business partner in a winery has unjustly refused to comply with an alleged oral contract, the attorney . . . sues.

On the one hand, oral contracts are, of course, sometimes enforceable, and at least the allegation here is that the attorney tried to get the agreement down in writing, but the would-be partner preferred to operate on a handshake agreement.

On the other hand, you're a lawyer, so you presumably know that an oral "deal" isn't exactly the strongest form of contract. On both a practical as well as legal level.

In any event: The lawsuit now continues apace. Some of it, anyway.