Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Taheri Law Group v. Evans (Cal. Ct. App. - Feb. 26, 2008)

A Los Angeles Attorney (Payman Taheri) sues another Los Angeles attorney (Neil Evans) for allegedly wrongfully soliciting one of the former's clients. At which point the latter attorney (Evans) files an anti-SLAPP motion against the former attorney (Taheri), prevails, and gets an attorney fee award. But, on appeal, another Los Angeles attorney -- Yevgeniya Lisitsa -- who represents the plaintiff Los Angeles attorney doesn't successfully reverse the dismissal of the lawsuit, but does convince the Court of Appeal to reverse the award of attorney fees to the defendant Los Angeles attorney because he represented himself.

Full employment for Los Angeles attorneys. The only thing that was missing was another one to represent Evans both below and on appeal -- and hence obtain attorney's fees. That'd have made the thing perfect.