Thursday, February 24, 2022

In re Darien R. & S.S. (Cal. Ct. App. - Feb. 24, 2022)

It's a testament to the times in which we live that in both of these published opinions today, (1) a mother is using methamphetamine (sometimes, daily), and (2) we take her kids away, permanently.

In the first case, the mother was horribly addicted to methamphetamine and both she and the father were using it every day.  Three kids.  In the second case, the mother had her parental rights terminated after the police saw her pushing her four-month old baby around in a stroller (1) at midnight, (2) when it was below 50 degrees outside.

Not fantastic parenting.  At all.

You'd hope that cases like this would be incredibly sporadic (or, preferably, non-existent).  Rather than twice in a single day.

And that's only the published ones.