Friday, May 10, 2024

Bassi v. Bassi (Cal. Ct. App. - May 9, 2024)

You see exceptionally vituperative divorce cases occasionally in the Court of Appeal, though I suspect that most of them get resolved in unpublished opinions. This one, though, gets published.

When I read them, I often think -- as I did here -- "Wow. Just imagine being married to someone for that long, having children and grandchildren with them, being in a highly remunerative and seemingly happy marriage with them for decades and then getting divorced and having your spouse just totally go off the rails with relentless absolutely crazy litigation and abuse." You've gotta be massively surprised when that happens, no?

You can read the whole opinion about how one spouse has to get the other declared a vexatious litigant, obtain a domestic violence restraining order against them, get tens (hundreds?) of thousands of dollars in sanctions, etc. Suffice it to say that one of the spouses did not take the divorce well. At all.

(Not that the other had a field day either, obviously.)

Divorces sometimes bring out the absolute worst in people, sadly.