Here's an appeal that I couldn't have adjudicated. Since I (a) played golf at this course (several times), (b) had the plaintiff as my waitress (ditto), (c) am sure I tipped her as part of the "generous" afternoon, as opposed to cheap morning, crowd (ditto), and (d) am probably -- sadly -- part of the "old" golfer crowd that the manager of the facility allegedly wanted to get rid of in favor of "young high-rollers" (definitely not me).
Plus, I can tell you with some confidence that I cared not a whit about whether there were lots of "tits and ass" around the snack bar or restaurant after 18 holes. All I wanted was water. And, on rare occasion, a cold beer.
Anyway, it's the story of a 60+ waitress at a golf club. Plus a doctrinal inquiry into whether certain statutory penalties are exclusive; e.g., whether they bar punitive damages claims. (Answer: Yes.)
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